EMC gaskets, vertical, segmented, 2 U, 10 pc
Order No.: 3684237
height (he): 2 U
version: segmented (Version 1)
Order No.: 3684237
EAN-Nr.: 4250558901502
Commodity Code: 73059059
Packs of: 10 piece
Delivery Scope: EMC gaskets
Weight: 0.03 kg
Any indication of a tariff / statistical number is based on our tariff assessment and is not legally binding. Compliance with applicable export regulations and laws is the sole responsibility of the exporter of the goods.
To ensure EMC protection between the subrack side panel and the front/rear panels. There are two versions available.
Suitable for mounting on:
- 482.6 mm (19˝) flanges for subracks
- Corner trims, rear
- EMC contact strip
- U-channel front panels
- Trim panels for HeiPac Vario-Module
- Flanges for HeiPac Vario-Module
Stainless steel
German patent
no. 101 15 525 and
no. 198 46 627
US patent no. 6,500,012
US patent no. 7,044,753