Horizontaler divider kit 6U for 4U subrack, extension
Order No.: 3684212
height (he): 6 U (for 4U subracks)
version: for horizontal rail front, with 10mm top
Order No.: 3684212
EAN-Nr.: 4250558940792
Commodity Code: 76109090
Packs of: 1 kit
Delivery Scope: Horizontal rails, front; horizontal rails, rear; horizontal rail/s, rear, centre; threaded inserts; insulating strips; connecting parts; assembly parts
Weight: 0.484 kg
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For the horizontal installation of 6 U/9 U PCBs in 3 U/4 U subracks
- Horizontal installation space:
3 U subrack: 20 HP (5 slots)
4 U subrack: 28 HP (7 slots) - Vertical installation space:
(when installing double Eurocards)
31 HP (without trim frame)
28 HP (with trim frame)
Aluminum, clear-chromated
Supply includes:
- 2 horizontal rails, front
- 2 horizontal rails, rear
- 1 or 2 horizontal rails, rear, centre
- 2 threaded inserts
- 4 or 6 insulating strips
- 4 connecting parts
- assembly parts
Trim frame